Simon Lafontant
Bodybuilder and Content Creator
Simon Lafontant, born in Quebec and now living in Calgary, Alberta is the epitome of what your mind can achieve when you reach a breaking point.
At 372lbs and breathless from simply rolling over in bed, he realized it was time to make a major change. With the goal of joining a bodybuilding show within a year, he had a long and hard road ahead of him to transform his body from 52% body fat to 5% in order to be stage ready.
Overcoming many obstacles like his Crohn’s Disease and almost reaching acute liver failure from ultra rapid weight loss, he has now achieved what most considered impossible, and has lost over 150lbs in a year with a goal of 160lbs down by show date.
Simon has started helping others in their fat loss journeys through spreading real and transparent information by documenting his progress every day through social media platforms as well as conducting studies on his own body. He plans to continue growing in the fitness industry to help correct some of the toxic behaviors that lead to weight loss rebounds.
I do not care if I am not natty, because I have never been this healthy.

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